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Privacy Policy

How we value your privacy

At Slender Studios, we won't do much to collect info from you. At most, we will collect info such as where users click on our webpages. We never collect any keystrokes or anything that you type into text feilds. Our team also does not sell or distribute any of your data without prior consent or permission. If you do not want analytics data to be collected at all on any of our websites, your just going to have to tough it up. We have no easy way of disabling our analytics for specific users. Sometimes, other services we use will collect info that we cannot access. Sadly, we have no control over this. We are not like tech giants, okay. We are happy to disclose what info we collect. But, most people don't even read these policies anyway, so it's kind of a pain in the neck to make them.


About Search Crew

Search Crew is an open-source, light-weight, and retro-styled search engine that utilizes many Google technologies. Some feature implementations include Safe Search, a content filtering system that blocks inappropriate search results, and fast, accurate delivery of results for any search query. This makes Search Crew easy to adopt for any Google user. If you enjoy the look of the 2010s, then this is the right place to be. Search Crew includes many themes to suit the personality of almost anyone out there, and gives the search engine more things for us to brag about.

Source Code
Slender Studios Website

Search Crew Version: 2.0.3 Holiday Update